
Source: Codewars

Given an n x n array, return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise.

array = [[1,2,3],
snail(array) #=> [1,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5]

For better understanding, please follow the numbers of the next array consecutively:

array = [[1,2,3],
snail(array) #=> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

This image will illustrate things more clearly:

NOTE: The idea is not sort the elements from the lowest value to the highest; the idea is to traverse the 2-d array in a clockwise snailshell pattern.

NOTE 2: The 0x0 (empty matrix) is represented as en empty array inside an array [[]].


This problem is simpler than its 4-kyuu label. To traverse in a snailshell pattern, I will traverse the 0th row, n-1th collumn, n-1th row, 1st collumn,.. respectively.

First of all is to declare these variables:

std::vector<int> res;
int row_start = 0;                  // Top-most row
int col_start = 0;                  // Left-most collumn
int row_end = snail_map.size();     // Bottom-most row
int col_end = row_end;              // Right-most collumn

Start from the topmost row, increase the collumn index to traverse through it:

for (int i = col_start; i < col_end; i++)  

The same with the rightmost collumn, increase the row index to traverse. It should be noted that the top right element (snail_map[row_start][col_end-1]) has to be skipped since it has been read before.

for (int i = ++row_start; i < row_end; i++) 

Due to snailshell pattern, traversing the bottom-most row need to be done in backwards: decrease the collumn index instead of increasing. And because the bottom right element (snail_map[row_end-1][col_end-1]) has been read, the right most collumn will be skipped.

for (i = (--col_end)-1; i >= col_start; --i) 

Similarly, decrease the row index to traverse the left most collumn in backwards.

for (int i = (--row_end)-1; i >= row_start; --i)

These operations will be looped until the given map is traversed, which means, row_start and row_end, or col_start and col_end, passed each others (_start $\geq$ _end). Besides, an empty map case should be considered.

if(snail_map.empty() || snail_map[0].empty())
    return {};

With all that, the solution for this kata is completed.


std::vector<int> snail(const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &snail_map){
    if(snail_map.empty() || snail_map[0].empty())
        return {};

    std::vector<int> res;
    int row_start = 0;                  // Top-most row
    int col_start = 0;                  // Left-most collumn
    int row_end = snail_map.size();     // Bottom-most row
    int col_end = row_end;              // Right-most collumn

    while (row_start <= row_end && col_start <= col_end){  
        for (int i = col_start; i <= col_end; i++)  
        for (int i = ++row_start; i <= row_end; i++) 
        for (int i = --col_end; i >= col_start; i--)
        for (int i = row_end; i >= row_start; i--)
    return res;

Also a solution

If you are more familiar with while loop, here is how the solution could be rewritten:

    int row = 0, col = 0;
    while (row_start <= row_end && col_start <= col_end) {
        while (col < col_end)   res.push_back(snail_map[row][col++]);  row_start++;
        while (row < row_end)   res.push_back(snail_map[row++][col]);  col_end--;
        while (col > col_start) res.push_back(snail_map[row][col--]);  row_end--;
        while (row > row_start) res.push_back(snail_map[row--][col]);  col_start++;
    res.push_back(snail_map[row][col]); // Adding the last element

Two variables row and col are used to mark the current row and collumn, the two variables only change from 0 to n-2. so that the next while could make use of current values of row and col without traverse through the same element twice, in other words, instead of skipping the read element, I will leave the last element of the current row/col. And because of this, it is a need to add the last element of the map after the while loop is done.

Thank you for reading.