
Source: Codewars

A Hamming number is a positive integer of the form 2i3j5k, for some non-negative integers i, j, and k.

Write a function that computes the nth smallest Hamming number.


The first smallest Hamming number is 1 = 203050 The second smallest Hamming number is 2 = 213050 The third smallest Hamming number is 3 = 203150 The fourth smallest Hamming number is 4 = 223050 The fifth smallest Hamming number is 5 = 203051 The 20 smallest Hamming numbers are given in example test fixture.

Your code should be able to compute all of the smallest 5,000 (Clojure: 2000, NASM: 13282) Hamming numbers without timing out.


Brute force

The simplest method is to check wether a number from $2$ on is Hamming number or not, then increase counter until the nth Hamming number is found. To check if a number is a Hamming number relies on its traits:

  • Hamming number is the product of the exponents of 2, 3 and 5.
  • 2, 3 and 5 are prime numbers.

In other words, checking the number can be achieved by factoring it and the factoring process stopping only at 5, if the leftover is equal to 1, which means there’s no other factors, that’s a Hamming number.

#include <cstdint>

int isHamber(uint64_t n){
    for(int i = 2; i <= 5; i++)
        while (n % i == 0)
            n /= i;
    return n == 1;

uint64_t hamber(int n){
    uint64_t res = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while(count < n){
    return res;

However, this method is time consuming, especially when there’s specific requirement

Your code should be able to compute all of the smallest 5,000 (Clojure: 2000, NASM: 13282) Hamming numbers without timing out.

Dynamic programing

Because of being the product of the exponents of 2, 3 and 5, Hamming number can be decomposed into a smaller Hamming number and 2, 3 or 5. $$ 2^ỉ3^j5^k = \Bigg[ \begin{array}{1} 2^{i-1}3^j5^k \times 2 \\ 2^i3^{j-1}5^k \times 3 \\ 2^i3^j5^{k-1} \times 5 \\ \end{array} $$ Thus, Hamming seqsequence can be formed by this: $$ \begin{cases} H_1 = 1 \\ H_x = min(H_i \times 2, H_j \times 3, H_k \times 5) \end{cases} $$ where $i, j, k$ are Hamming seqsequence’s indexes ($i, j, k < x$). They are counted from $1$ and increased only when the multiple of the Hamming number in the corresponding positions is added to the seqsequence. For example:

  • $H_2 = min(H_1 \times 2, H_1 \times 3, H_1 \times 5) = min(1 \times 2, 1 \times 3, 1 \times 5) = 2$

    $\Rightarrow$ $i$ is increased by one for $H_i \times 2$ is chosen: $i = 2$.

  • $H_3 = min(H_2 \times 2, H_1 \times 3, H_1 \times 5) = min(2 \times 2, 1 \times 3, 1 \times 5) = 3$

    $\Rightarrow$ $j$ is increased by one.

  • $H_6 = min(H_3 \times 2, H_2 \times 3, H_2 \times 5) = min(3 \times 2, 2 \times 3, 2 \times 5) = 6$

    $\Rightarrow$ $i$ and $j$ are increased by one.

#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>

uint64_t hamber(int n){
    uint64_t hambers[13282], next2 = 2, next3 = 3, next5 = 5;
    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    hambers[0] = 1;
    for(int x = 1; x < n; x++){
        hambers[x] = std::min(std::min(next2, next3), next5);
        if(hambers[x] == next2)
            next2 = hambers[++i]*2;
        if(hambers[x] == next3)
            next3 = hambers[++j]*3;
        if(hambers[x] == next5)
            next5 = hambers[++k]*5;
    return hambers[n-1];

Thank you for reading.